Program Requirements
All first-year and transfer students accepted into the School of Biological Sciences pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Biology are eligible for the UCI L.E.D. Pilot program. Students who are of underrepresented populations on campus are strongly encouraged to apply. Participants will be invited based on increased risk factors for attrition from STEM majors including coming from disadvantaged backgrounds and having low grades in core curriculum courses. Students who provide applications that include strong personal statements conveying perseverance through hardship, ambition for high achievement in STEM (including the attainment of a bachelor’s degree), and the need for community-minded support in an academic environment will be selected.
Become an L.E.D Mentor
UCI underrepresented minority students at the undergraduate and graduate level are strongly encouraged to apply to become UCI L.E.D. mentors. In addition, students with experience(s) of service and involvement on campus, and who are in good academic standing or demonstrate a strong upward trend in GPA are encouraged to apply. Students will also be selected on the basis of a strong personal statement conveying an eagerness to support the academic development, personal development and achievement of others. Students who are willing to provide information about strategic course enrollment, degree specialization, networking, time management, study skills, social and financial support, and extracurricular opportunities at UCI that will promote a student’s preparedness for success as a UCI Biological Sciences major will be selected. Each upperclassman undergraduate student mentor (5 total) will be assigned 4 mentees. The request is for at least an hour of mentorship per student per week. Appointments with graduate-level mentors (3 total) will be reserved for professional networking meetings and career pathway guidance for undergraduate mentors and mentees.